Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Hello Baby

You are loved!

Today marks the 17th week of my pregnancy and I'm feeling better and better everyday. I am starting to feel little flutters in my belly and I think that's you moving around in there. I am looking forward to the big kicks and arm pokes I'll be getting by the end of this pregnancy.

16 weeks

Although it has been a relatively easy pregnancy (I have been SO tired, though!) I am ready to meet you. Unfortunately, that will have to wait for about 5 more months. We love you so much already and look forward to the end of November (or early December) when we get to meet you. After having your big sister Elena I know how much love a parent can have for a child. We have so much to look forward with you.

She really does love you - she's not trying to get rid of you!

Speaking of your big sister, Elena. She knows that there is a baby in mommy's belly and whenever we show the picture of an ultrasound she knows its a baby. We think she'll be a fabulous big sister because she loves babies. She enjoys playing with babies and she loves real babies, too. Elena's friend Rockford just had a baby brother and Elena loves going to see "Baby Rocco" and talks about him all the time. I'm sure she'll love you even more once you get here.

Meanwhile, we pray that you will keep growing and I'll keep taking care of myself. We should be able to see you again in a few weeks and then we'll find out if you are a boy or a girl. Oh, the excitement is building!


Your Mama