December has definitely gotten off to a good start. Even though I can definitely do without most of the Christmas commotion that takes place during this time of the year, I do enjoy anything that involves family.
Each year in San Diego they have what is called Christmas on the Prado (even though some people are upset with the "Christmas" and have decided to call it December Nights). This was my second year going and it was lots of fun. Going with people like those above sure make it fun!
Part of me loves Christmas because of what it means, or meant. Several people have already asked me if I've gotten all my "Christmas shopping" done. No. In fact, I doubt I'll do very little Christmas shopping this year. I'll buy the minimal amount of gifts. I appreciate my family and the importance they place on giving rather than receiving. We exchange white elephant gifts and that is, in my opinion, more fun than receiving a new gift. What can surpass the joy of seeing your Aunt Matilda face opening something that's been sitting around your house for years and actually being excited about it? No, I don't have an Aunt Matilda. :)
All this to say that it is often hard to be counter-cultural during Christmas. Christmas means so much more than what society makes it out to be. Just yesterday I was teaching Sunday School and was telling the kids part of the Christmas story. What an AMAZING story!
God had made a promise to humanity that He would send Someone that would save us. God always keeps his promises and this time was no different. God sent Jesus who was fully man to live life. Sure, it was in a different time and place, but He understands what our lives are like because He was human also. The baby that Mary had was the fulfillment of a promise. This baby became a man. A man that died for the sins of the world. A man that was raised from the dead and is now in heaven. He's waiting for us to come live with Him.
What a precious gift God gave us. Where would I be without Jesus? I don't want to know. Thank you, Lord, for your promises and your perfect plan.
i am struggling with the "shopping-ness" of Christmas. I have 6 days before the extended family gathering where all 20+ of us gift gifts to everyone else present. there seems to be this unwritten rule that ya have to give at least 2 gifts to everyone "so they have something to open" as if this were the whole point of the gathering... Argh, and i am really revolted by the thought of it...hence why i've decided to give from the World Vision catalog--my aunts and uncles (who already admitted they have everything they need and want) will "get" a sheep for a needy family somewhere in the developing world. i haven't decided what to give to my cousins yet but for the few that are stuggling to set up their household i think it will be some kind of gift certificate for a fun date or to buy fair trade items from Ten Thousand Villages, a cool Mennonite org. En fin, i hope i don't offend anyone but this is a matter of principal to me... Glad to know that I am not the only one struggling with this "holiday season" ...
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