I really enjoyed each aspect of Urbana, but the part that I probably enjoyed the most were the seminars that we were able to attend each afternoon. We picked several seminars in which the speakers talked about sharing Jesus with others around us. Here are a few lessons that I am learning...
- I need to be myself.
- We live in a time of spirituality. People are seeking something - God!
- Jesus spent a lot of time with "small talk" as he interacted with people.
- Evangelism doesn't necessarily always mean conversion.
- Most people come to know the Lord gradually - it takes time!
- As a society, we often only value success. We don't often value attempts/trying.
- Pay attention to people. Be unusually interested in them. Jesus did this!
- Praying for people when they don't know it works too!
- Be approachable.
- Jesus is hard for people to ignore.
- Jesus came to seek and save the lost and serve. He was a friend of sinners. He came to die! If we follow Christ, He will make us "fishers of men".
- Matthew 28:18-20 - As you are going about life, make disciples...
- Now is when we live for eternity.
- Life life with an "eternal twist" - is what we do something that will matter in eternity?
- Read the Bible to get to know God (relationally), not just to grow in knowledge.
- Give God time to speak to your heart. Chew on His Word night and day.
- The world we live in has found a way to ignore God and functions without Him.
- People these days are not asking the same questions they were asking 10 years ago. Today people are looking for explanations and significance. The "what" and "so what" is at the heart of sharing Jesus.
- We need to take time to read and reflect the classics of Christian writing.
- Need for silence - time to think.
- Tell others what Jesus has done in your life. A personal testimony is very powerful.
God is good. Coming back home and having time to sit and think has been so good. I know it will still take a couple of weeks for things to sink in...
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