Dear Readers,
Happy Valentine's Day! I am sending you some heart shaped rice krispies via the virtual world. I wish I could drive and deliver some to each of you, but this will have to suffice for today. Every year when I was growing up, my mother would make these for my dad and me. In addition, we'd usually get a little bag of candy. Nothing expensive, just a little detail letting us know she loved us.
Now that I am married and out on my own I decided that this is a tradition I want to carry on. It was a sticky, gooey mess yesterday as I made them but the finished product was good, good, good!
Yesterday I was talking with a friend and we were talking about how God sees us as beautiful. When he looks at us He doesn't see all our past sin and hurts. He sees a beautiful creature that He made in His image. What He sees is good, good, good!
Jesus is becoming sweeter to me every day. I am understanding Him and His love in new ways. I pray that God will fill you with his beautiful, satisfying love today. And if you don't know God very well, ask me...I'd love to tell you more about Him.
Consider yourselves "My Valentine" today and more importantly, God's Valentine - He's crazy about you!
Hey Ann, I read your blog and had to smile cause I made rice krispie hearts for Garry, David and Becca too!!! (along with other candies!) Glad you are keeping the tradition going!!
Thank you Ann! I loved the card you sent - it truely brightened my day!!!!
It sounds like you had a great Valentine's day... sending you a hug :)
Fortunately for me, I recieved more than the virtual rice crispy treats! The added strawberry flavor was a great touch!
They turned out beautiful! I think you should definitely keep the tradition going:)
It's so true, no matter how gooey and messy God's hands get with our sin, our worries, He consistently molds us into His perfection... every day... Thank you for such a special Valentine message!
Ann, those are so cute! I never knew there was a tradition like that...maybe next year I'll pick up on it. Thanks so much for the Valentines card- how special to receive that from you! (homemade and everything) :) love ya..
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