"On the rose, you've got the roots, the leaves, and the blossoms. Healthy roots make healthy leaves and blossoms. Faith isn't doing the right thing or being moral. Faith is relying on God's own roots inside you. Faith is knowing what's underground has the potential to make a lovely bloom...Leaves so green a person thinks they never did see such color. Petals so soft and yellow they remind you of a sunrise. That's evidence of where the roots are. Those petals are a person who's trustworthy you can rely on. You find a person full of faith, and that makes you realize God is faithful. You find that God is faithful, and that's how you are filled with faith...."
(Excerpt taken from "A Rose by the Door" by Deborah Bedford)
Lord, help us to rely on you today and to not seek our own strength. Nothing we do is by our own merit - it is only a reflection of who you are and what you are doing in our lives. Use our lives to bring YOU glory. May we become beautiful flowers in your sight! Amen.
These roses are beautiful, Ann! So, too, is the quote. I love the imagery of our faith in conjunction with the structure of a rose. How poetic!
I'm finding... with each passing day... that's it's nearly impossible NOT to have faith. After all, with our faith rooted in none other than "Christ the SOLID ROCK", how can we not afford to be a person "full of faith"?
Thanks for this post!
I will have to get this book when I am in the States...the 2nd on my list...thanks to you:)
I will look at yellow roses in a much different and more special way from now on:) thank you:)
We are indeed as roses to God...we have our thorns when we are stubborn and want to do things our way...we have long desires to seek Him and do His will...we are beautiful to Him and once we allow Him to touch us, trim us, prune us, despite the blood He sheds in the process...we become His yellow...His examples of love...
We need His daily water, His Holy Spirit so that we stay fresh and strong against any worldly winds...
T.I. Bella mia:)
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