"I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world."
John 16:33
John 16:33

As I read this morning about the shooting at Virginia Tech and thought about other things going on in this world, my heart was overcome with an initial sadness. Why? Why do people have to die? Why do my friends have to watch their loved ones die? Why do others have to go through hard experiences? This world is far from perfect. One thing that can easily be proven is that this world is full of sin and that we are sinful people.
And then my thoughts turned to God - the author and finisher of our faith. My God, your God, has the last say. He told us that in this world we would have troubles. He told us that we would suffer. He told us we'd be sad. He told us there would be terrible times. He told us there would be difficult times when we didn't know what was going on.
However, He also told us that He has already overcome the world. God has already won the victory. One day there will be no more shootings. One day there will be no more dying. One day there will be no more difficult circumstances to go through.
We must take heart during these times more than ever. These words should console our hearts. We must pray for strength for these people going through difficult times. We must pray for God's grace and love.
Thank you, Lord, that your promises are true and You are faithful to the very end of time.
...Sadness did come over my heart as well when I heard of the terrible shootings at Virginia Tech...I could not believe my eyes or ears...but I was somehow encouraged that more people would come to know the Lord despite the awful circumstances...don't we always seek Jesus when we are at our weakest? Don't we really understand how much we really need Him in times of trouble? I know that He can bring good out of all...and that His comfort is the only one that can help us go on...this life on earth indeed will be filled with obstacles and sorrow, but it is only such a short time that we spend here in comparison to eternity with Him!
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