I wasn't feeling too well this morning and decided to curl up and read a bit - I guess it is one of those luxuries that I have because I do my work from home. I have been reading a book that I gave Michael for his birthday. Well, his birthday was over a month ago and since then his father and I have read it and the birthday boy hasn't even had a chance to touch it!

If you guessed that this book we've been passing around is a good one you guessed right. We heard the author at the book at a conference we went to (Urbana '06). Both of us were immediately impressed by what he said.
The book is all about do-able evangelism. I love the main theme of this book because it's not about a 5 point conversation that you have with a person but it's all about showing people that you care about them. It's all about being real, ordinary with the people that you come in contact with in your everyday life. Each chapter in the book has motivated me to be more intentional about how I act in everyday life - looking at people in the eye, opening doors, asking people how they are doing and listening while they speak. I love it!
In reading the book I began to think about prayer and how prayer plays such a big part in all of this. Prayer is such a humbling experience and makes me realize that God is supreme and that He is the one that orchestrates everything. It's like, "Hey God, it's me, down here. I am thankful that you are in charge and know what's best. " It seems to me that prayer really puts things back into perspective and helps us to realize that after all, it really is the Lord who "determines our steps" even though we make plenty of plans (Proverbs 16:9).
Oh, if you would like to know more about this book we've been reading it is called: AKA Lost: Discovering Ways to Connect with the People Jesus Misses Most by Jim Henderson. I love the whole premise of the book. Henderson believes that people that don't know Jesus aren't "lost" they are just "missing". When you lose something you look around for it for a while and then give up because you realize you can't find it. However, when you are missing something you actively look for it and want to find it. God is actively seeking those people that are missing and wants to find them!
I pray that God will continue to bring "missing" people into my life.
Great thoughts...God has been impressing upon me the importance of sharing the Gospel with others as well.
This book is definitely on my "Books to Read" list!
Great post! It's funny....I just posted something on how frustrating my prayer life is...ha! Your post was encouraging to me....
My Dearest Ann,
Lately, I have been waking up really early...it may have something to do with the fact that I usually fall asleep by 8:30pm :)so I decided to take the extra time to pray...prayer is indeed so important and so powerful!
I enjoyed reading your post today and I really like the metaphor for the people who don't know/have not accepted Jesus as their Savior...they are indeed missing and we should help in them being found through our attitudes, our words, our actions, you are so right! Thank you for such a great reminder and encouragement in the Lord!
T.I. :)
These are all great books. The best one I could recommend is "Reimagining Evangelism" by Rick Richardson.
May you be blessed as you grow in sharing your faith without loosing your friends.
Pastor Chris
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