And yet, I know that at the same time there are some people around me that are going through rough patches in life.
I am so thankful for friends. I am so glad that God blesses us each at different times. When one is down, another can lift them up and encourage them. I am so encouraged by my friendships and burdened at the same time. It's hard to see friends going through tough times but I am always so glad that we have Jesus to rest and lean on.
I have begun reading a book called "How to be a People Helper". Last month while at a used book sale I noticed the title and quickly grabbed the book. So far, the $1 I invested in the book has had its rewards. I am only about twenty pages into the book and I am learning so much.

I guess I feel that I am at a point in my life in which I am realizing that it's all about people. I read this today:
"...Mr. Heinrichsen turned to the Bible and discovered that there were at least two things which God promised never to destroy: His Word and His people. 'There are other eternal things--God angels, virtues such as love--but I wanted something enduring that I could grab a hold of and give my life in exchange for. In setting my life's objectives I could give myself to people and the Word of God..."
Wow! I desire exactly the same things as this Mr. Heinrichsen! People and God's Word will last forever and spending time with both is imperative.
May you experience more of Jesus today! Off I go to to make some cards...
Hi Ann,
I am so, so intrigued by this post and the book you're reading. Thank you so much for sharing; I may see if I can find it online. The "life objectives" as you described them might just be an answer to a long-time prayer....
Be blessed today!
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