Monday, July 30, 2007

He Sees The Depths of My Heart

It's good to be reminded every once in a while that we aren't perfect, after all. I may be told that I'm a nice person, but that isn't always true. I am critical. I am selfish. Well, you get the picture. The list could go on.

I don't know what it is, but I've kinda been going through a phase (I hope it is just a phase, after all!) I haven't always been the nicest person to be around (I think my dear hubby gets the brunt of it!) God has definitely been pointing out areas that need change.

It's sad how the Holy Spirits voice in our lives can become so quiet that we don't even hear it. We get so engrossed in ourselves that don't even give the Holy Spirit room or time to move within us.

And yet God gently picks us back up. He shows us the ares of imperfection.

And loves us.

This weekend we went to a festival of Christian music. Chris Tomlin was singing his song, "Indescribable". His lyrics spoke to me at a moment when I needed them the most:

You are amazing God
Incomparable, unchangeable

You see the depths of my heart and You love me the same

You are amazing God

You are amazing God

The concert took place in an outdoor amphitheater. It was a beautiful day and the weather was just right. As I lay on the blanket looking up into the blue sky I thought about those words.

God still loves me the same, no matter what is going on in the depths of my heart. Whether I am passing judgment on someone or I am wanting to hoard something all to myself. And yet, His love calls me to change. His love calls me to be molded into His likeness. His love calls me to look at my actions and change my attitudes.

He truly is an Amazing God.


Kariss said...

I completely know what you mean. It is humbling when the Holy Spirit reveals areas that need to change in our lives, but so very needed. Thanks for your honesty and vulnerability. Praise God that he sees our sin and loves us in spite of it. He is soo good!

Anonymous said...


Thank you for your insights and for your sensitive spirit to the Lord! Isn't it so neat how He chooses certain verses, people, circumstances to remind us of how much He cares about us and how He is the only one who can truly see deep down in our lives! He is truly the only one who never and will never fail us!