Monday, November 17, 2008

Praying Instead of Criticizing

I don't know about you, but every once in a while (okay, it happens a lot!) I find things I can criticize. Michael usually gets to hear my criticism as I go on and on about how unfair something is or how someone treated me wrong. It happened just last night in the car on the way home, and as I was reading an article this morning, I definitely felt like God was encouraging me to pray more and criticize less.

It's so easy to criticize, isn't it? We all do it but I'm sure there are some that do it more than others.

Today I want to remember to pray for the situation or person instead of criticizing. How might God want to change my heart?


Anonymous said...

Oh, you are so right! Thank you for this reminder! I am definitely convicted of complaining about things. I do also need to think of the person more and less of that person's action, as the Lord loves the sinner but hates sin...

Have a beautiful day and kiss on Elena for us!

The Hansons said...

If that was me you were venting about, I really do apologize. I really just enjoy hogging your baby when I see her. She is just so cute, I can't contain myself very well. :)