Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Hanging Out

Elena and I were able to stay at my parent's house two weeks after my Grandma's funeral. Not only was it good to be together as a family, but we were also able to see other people and friends. One of the perks of being away from home is that we just get to hang out a lot with people and not do much of anything else!

Elena climbing on Grandpa

We went to the MCC sale towards the beginning of April. Unfortunately, we didn't get any pictures of the sale itself but we did manage to take on the way to the sale...

...and some with family.

After the sale we went to see my other Grandma who, at the time, was in a nursing home. She is now back at home.

Elena with my cousin Jen

We next did what any normal adults would do. We took a break in our conversation to chuckle at this:

I'm not quite sure she's convinced about the new look. She does look quite smart, doesn't she?