Yesterday, as I was reading through Oswald Chamber's My Utmost for His Highest I came upon this:
And when you begin to see that person in the middle of a difficult and painful struggle, don't try to prevent it, but pray that his difficulty will grow even ten times stronger, until no power on earth or hell could hold him away from Jesus Christ. Over and over again, we try to be amateur providence's in someone's life. We are indeed amateurs, coming in and actually preventing God's will and saying, "This person should not have to experience this difficult."

I am beginning to see prayer and God in new ways ever day. It's hard to watch people around me go through hard times. I often don't have the words to say. From now on I am going to pray that God's will would be done in that situation. That God would give that person STRENGTH to be able to get through that situation. Yes, God can work miracles and sitations can be changed for the better. But God is continually molding us into people that are more like Him and I definitely don't want to get in the way.
The very last line of the devotional caught me off guard:
"You may often have to watch Jesus wreck a life before He saves it."
I pray that each of us will be able to see the things that happen in our life from God's perspective. God is so much bigger than we are and seeing things from His perspective is hard. Oh, how I wish that sometimes I would understand the mind of God. But I will continue to pray for God's will and His perfect peace and strength even though it may hurt to see someone going through a hard time.
Wow. This is so incredibly thought-provoking. And powerful. I'm going to be chewing on this one awhile....
I made your salsa!! It was amazing! Please tell your birthday-boy husband thank you for sharing his killer recipe!
Birthday and Sunday wishes from Texas,
I got chills within as I was reading your note...Mr Chambers has a great is so true that we should strive and pray for God's will even when we don't understand Him right away...we can't understand Him yet because He has not yet finished perfecting us...I don't want to get in the way of His will, no matter how hard it may seem...He does promise that He will never allow us to endure more than He thinks and knows that we can's note made me think of the pottery the pot is being molded by the Master, it goes through so much...shaping and re-shaping, breaking and uniting, spinning and gliding through the Powerful and Perfect Hands...Thank you for such an encouragement to pray and wish the Lord's will no matter what...
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