Happy Birthday, Michael!
I couldn't ask for a better husband. I am very glad God brought you into my life. I look forward to celebrating many more with you today.
A few pics of the B-day boy...

So there seems to be a theme here, doesn't there? Michael is a goof sometimes, but overall is he a man of great character. He loves God, his family and his friends. He is intelligent, a thinker, a hard worker, great idea-giver, etc. The list goes on!

Here's to another great year of life for a great guy!
Happy Birthday, Michael!!!
Hope that you two will have a special evening together:)
Happy Birthday on your special day Michael!!! Thanks for all the fun pics! So glad you are a part of our family!
I agree, Ann, He is a great guy! :) Nice pictures I must say! I am just glad you didn't put the one of all four of us in our silly outfits! :)
I hope you have a wonderful birthday and another great year!!
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