The soldiers were used to seeing people punished by being put on a cross. They were used to hearing screams and cries of agony from those who were being crucified. But, the man on the middle cross did not scream. He called out, “Father, forgive them, for they to not know what they are doing.” Jesus was praying for His enemies. People wondered what kind of man Jesus was. They watched and wondered.
People down below that were watching were making fun of Jesus. They told him that if He really was the Son of God he should find a way to come down from the cross. Others asked Him why no one was coming to rescue Him.
It wasn't those nails that held Jesus to the cross. He has more than enough power to come down from the cross. But, His love for you held him there. He loved them enough to stay on the cross. He loved you enough to stay on that cross. His blood had to be shed so that your sin and mine could be forgiven. We were all born with a sin nature. We usually do the wrong thing instead of doing the right thing. The lies, the selfishness, the hatred, the disobedience, the stealing, all the sins we have ever done...these can be forgiven only through the blood of Jesus.
However, that's not the end of the story. My Savior is ALIVE. After three days in the grave He overcame death and came to life. He is still ALIVE and will ALWAYS be ALIVE!
Halleluja, Praise the Lord!!!
He is risen indeed!
Praise the Lord also for His wonderful way of blessing me through you and your insights, Bella!
I say, each morning should be Christmas and each day should be Easter!!! As He is alive, He is our Savior, He is our King!!!
Have a blessed and special Easter!
What a wonderful Easter post! Amen! He is risen!! His life for mine... are we not gloriously blessed or what? :D
Thanks for continually blessing and encouraging...
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