I have seen you in the sanctuary and beheld your power and your glory. Because your love is better than life, my lips will glorify you. I will praise you as long as I live, and in your name I will lift up my hands. My soul will be satisfied as with the richest of foods; with singing lips my mouth will praise you.
Psalm 63:2-5
Psalm 63:2-5

Celebrating Easter yesterday was wonderful. I was able to spend a part of the morning with the children in Sunday School, telling them about Jesus' death and resurrection. It is the second year I've taught the story and it is priceless to watch their faces as I tell the story (with the assistance of Michael, of course!) Jesus' story is compelling. It's different. It changes lives. I have to remind myself of that often. Jesus and his story in and of itself has power to change lives. God's word has power. We are vessels--telling God's story and sharing His goodness.
Our church has been reading John Piper's Don't Waste Your Life. I know I have recommended it before and I'll do it again. It really helps to put life back into perspective and to see things in an eternal perspective. It has helped me to always think of Christ when I am doing something. Will this show that I treasure Jesus more than anything? Will this encourage others to treasure Jesus more than anything?
Those last lines, perhaps, are what are changing my life the most. They have helped me to examine my day and to really think about what I do in my life to show that I treasure Christ. There are things that I fill my day with are pointless, worthless and a waste of time--they lead to nothing. No one wants their live to be pointless, to not matter. I guess that is one thing that all humanity has in common. It is how we live it out that differs.
"At these moments, when the trifling fog of life clears and I see what I am really on earth to do, I grown over the petty pursuits that waste so many lives--and so much of mine. Just think of the magnitude of sports--a whole section of the daily newspaper. But there is no section on God. Think of the endless resources for making your home and garden more comfortable and impressive. Think of how many tens of thousands of dollars you can spend to buy more cars than you need. Think of the time and energy and conversation that go into entertainment and leisure and what we call "fun stuff"...it is like a multi-layered dreamworld of insignificance expanding into nothingness."
Taken from Piper's Don't Waste Your Life on pg.125
Taken from Piper's Don't Waste Your Life on pg.125
I am resolved to make my life count. I am going to think more about how I spend my time. Am I filing my days with "nothingness". In a Bible study on the Book of Timothy we've come across the words "godless chatter". How many of my conversations are filled with things that don't magnify God?
Let's make our lives count for eternity by living each minute for Him--the one that created us!
I'm glad you recommended this book again because I'd forgotten it since last time. Maybe I'm supposed to pick up a copy?
I've been under some heavy conviction lately about this very subject. How I spend my time and my money is suddenly something that suddenly captures a lot of my attention. I love the way you related it ... "does it show that I treasure Jesus more than anything?". I love that way of addressing it.
This month my car registration is due, and along with regular insurance payments, etc., I'll pay over $700 THIS MONTH for my car. It staggers me to think what that kind of money could mean to a missionary. To someone who's hungry. To an organization supplying Bibles to remote areas. Today I almost decided to sell it! But... how would I get anywhere? :D
Thanks for the post. I always look to you for perspective and encouragement and I'm never disappointed!
In Him,
Dearest Ann,
Thank you for this! It is such a great reminder, such a thorough check up:) I will definitely have to read the book when I get back to American land...so do remind me then...I really liked the passage you chose from the book and I was really convicted by the two words in Timothy...it is so true that we all ought to consider what our lives, our behavior, our thoughts and our chattering are doing for the Lord...thank you for your faithfulness and for you beautiful ministry!
This is great! I am giving God a total "open endeness" with my life and His plans for my life...it's a commitment I have to make daily - but, my hearts desire is to have my life make an eternal difference in the lives of everyone I meet!
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