If you had asked me ten years ago if living in a house from the 1920's was "cool" or not I would have definitely put that on the "not so cool" list. Why would anyone want to live in a really old house? Out with the old and in with the new? My answer years ago perhaps would have been "yes" but that has definitely changed over time. Maybe part of it is being older and appreciating family heirlooms more or maybe it is also because the man I married loves antiques.

Today I spent part of my day with my father at a home that my great-grandparents owned at one point. Years ago my parents bought it and have been renting it out and now they are fixing it up. I remember visiting the house ten years ago and, let me tell you, I was not terribly impressed. But today I could not wait to go to the house and see what it looked like. My perspective has definitely changed over the years. I now appreciate things I would have never appreciated before--the detailed woodwork around the doors, the brick fireplace, the heating vents in the floor, etc. All these things are reminders that this house was built in another time.
My dad was telling me that he remembers playing in this house. He showed me where my grandma slept and I'm sure that today I pulled out some of the very nails my great-grandpa drove into the walls decades ago. The house has definitely seen a lot of history (just like the Freeman House, Brin!)
If you were to ask me today if living in a house from the 1920's is "cool" or not I would definitely have to say a resounding "yes"! What a rich history.
Even though I love earthly homes and learning about their history, I cannot help but think of my heavenly home. Jesus is in heaven preparing a place for each one of us that call Him Lord. What a great gift we have to look forward to!
Oh, Ann!
How special that you were able to touch and walk around the place in which your dad once played...how neat that you both were there...a compilation of generations within walls of history and life...
Yes, thank you for the encouragement that Jesus is indeed preparing the best and the most beautiful home for those who love him!!! I cannot even imagine its perfection and beauty and tranquility...what an assurance to have our Savior, our King, our Best Friend!!!
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