I always look forward to Tuesday nights because it means that I get to hang out with the women from The Chapel. It is always a treat to come together with other women, to hear about their life joys and struggles, to look at the Word together, and to pray together.
The last couple of weeks we have started something new and each time now a different woman shares her testimony. I have learned things about some of the women that I never knew before! Just by looking at someone you would never know where they have come from and what their lives have been like.

I started thinking about my life and what God has been teaching me lately. And today, as I looked out the window and saw the sun spilling on everything outside I realized that God is good no matter what. God is good when the sun shines. God is good when the rain pours. God is good when the lightning strikes.
My God is good no matter what happens in my life. As I talked with another friend today I realized that so often we see that God is at work when things are going well - when things are working out the way WE want them to. And yet, God is still good even when things don't go the way we want to - when someone we love dies, when someone speaks to us harshly, etc,
I have not suffered much hardship in my life. What will I say when the storm comes? What will I say when the lightning strikes? I hope that I would say that God is still good, no matter what. God is worthy of our praise, ALL the time. So easy to say and so hard to live out.
As I look outside the window today I see the sun and am thankful for this manifestation of God's love in my life (He knows I love the sun, after all!) But if it turns out to be cloudy and rainy tomorrow, I'll know that I need to recognize that God still loves me and is still worthy of all my praise - no matter what!
Yes, God is good all the time and all the time God is good no matter the sunshine, the rain, the storms, the snow, the mud, the wind...He made each of those with a purpose and He chooses to have each of those according to His will...I sure agree with you, Bella, that we should acknowledge God's goodness and blessing at all times and not only when we are happy and feel good...I think that if we try to acknowlege His goodness and blessings when we face trials and tribulations, that is when we truly acknowledge Him:)
I am so glad that you have a really nice group on Tuesdays! I am longing for a in-depth Bible study and fellowship, so thank you for this blog...it helps me be in fellowship in heart and spirit:)
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