What could possibly cure my itching to travel? Traveling perhaps?
I find it funny how some people would just rather stay in the same place their whole lives. They have no desire to move. They are happy with things remaining the same for a very long time.
And then there's people like me. I like structure, but I also like change. Michael laughs at me sometimes. He'll come home from work and the furniture will be re-arranged. Yes, I am one of THOSE people. I love changing stuff up regularly. Why leave the couch the same way all the time? Move it around, change the dynamics of the room - what fun!
God made us all different. I think my life experiences make me crave for change (a little change, not too drastic, though!) I love traveling every once in a while and experiencing something new.

We've got a summer of traveling planned. It's going to be quite exciting. A trip to Oregon, an anniversary get-away to New York with my honey, family reunions up and down the state and possibly some work-related trips for Michael (I might get to tag along!).
I can't wait!
I am so glad you like change. Remember in college I would never want to change our room around? I'd whine and complain butI always gave in. And then I loved it once it was done. :) I am getting excited about our road trip!! I have the travel itch too.
I am excited about going on trips with you too!!! I always enjoy going new places and seeing new things... Especially with someone as fun as you!!
Oh I totally resonate with this post!! I am an MK also, and I have found that every 2 years I am wanting a change. A change of house, a change of city. Yet at the same time I crave routine. I crave same-ness. I often rearrange the furniture in my apartment because I get bored of the old way. :-)
You are always fun to be around and I like your decorating style:)
A little bit of change every once in a while is healthy I think...I also think that traveling makes you more flexible and it allows you to appreciate what you have in a special way:) Thank you Lord for giving us creativity and for your marveleous resources:)
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