For those of you that like pictures, here are a few of my first years of life...

I was already awakened this morning by my hubby who gave me a wonderful card (and even wrote some nice things and didn't just sign it - I can't stand it when people do that!!) I already had some pre-birthday celebrations yesterday and I can already definitely feel the love. I love being loved!
In honor of these last twenty-six years, I thought I'd post twenty-six things about me:
1. I was born in Madrid, Spain on June 29, 1981.
2. A friend was driving my parents to the hospital (when I was about to be born) and got lost on the way. My mom wondered if she'd get to have me at the hospital or not.
3. I had a pet hamster growing up. Unfortunately, I killed my hamster. That's a good one for another post. :)
4. As a kid, I loved cleaning my room. Go figure! I still like cleaning my room!
5. I grew up speaking Spanish and English. Spanish on the street and at church and English at home.
6. I distinctly remember being scared of certain people as a kid. I would avoid these people and run!
7. I dressed up as a lamb once (see picture). I have no idea how my parents got a hold of a lamb costume, but I was a lamb at a preschool party.
8. The reason we lived in Spain was because my parents were missionaries there. I am proud to be an MK!
9. We came back to the US every 2-3 years during the summer months. That's when I got to know my family.
10. I attended a British school until I was in 7th grade. I learned to speak and read with a nice British accent (which I can still use whenever needed).
11. When 7th grade rolled around I began attending school at ECA, a school for missionary kids.
12. There were 10 people in my graduating class: 5 guys and 5 girls.
13. During college I majored in Spanish and Liberal Studies.
14. I met Michael, my husband, at a missions conference (Urbana '03).
15. He proposed a year later!
16. I taught 5th grade for a year.
17. We got married on July 16, 2005 - that'll make it 2 years for us in a few weeks.
18. I love handmade cards - it's my hobby.
19. I enjoy traveling and am privileged to have been able to travel so much already.
20. I have wonderful parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins. And now that I'm married I have "inherited" another wonderful family.
21. I am glad to be a Jesus-follower.
22. Iced green tea at Starbucks is my new favorite.
23. Grilled cheese sandwiches are the best.
24. I love Spain and it's people.
25. I enjoy cooking with Michael.
26. I can't believe I'm already turning 26!
Thanks for stopping by today. I am thankful for another year of life and look forward to continuing to serve those around me and most importantly, Jesus - because He is the reason I have life and a purpose.
Can I hear an amen?!?! :)
Happy birthday!! I wanted to be the first one to post it one here!! :-)
your husband.
Amen!! Happy belated birthday, Ann! I pray God will bless you this year over and above your wildest expectations!
Amen, Sista!:)
So glad that I met you during your wonderful 26 years:)I still remember that one day in Townsend 3 when we were watching home videos from Spain and I called you my American International friend:):):)
I love you, Bella mia!:)
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