Monday, September 21, 2009

Do Not Feed The Wildlife

Feeding the wild, little creatures of the world can be dangerous sometime. Especially, if they wants you to feed them Cheetos.

But when you have a cute, little creature like Elena it's easy to give in and want to give her whatever she wants. Especially, if you're on a picnic with your Abuelo and Abuela.

Last time we were at my parent's house we took a little trip to Pine Flat Dam for an afternoon picnic. Although it had been hot in the previous day, this day was a nice relief from the heat and we welcomed being in the outdoors for a few hours. We packed ourselves a nice lunch and relaxed for a few hours and enjoyed being together.

Elena seemed to enjoy trying new things. Namely, the celery. Why is it so fun to eat celery and look mischievous while doing it?

Elena loves her Abuelo and Abuela!

...and Michael loves carrots and taking a rest on the bench.

And I love being with family! Nothing better!


Aunt Ruth said...

Could Michael be the "wild one" ???

Rox said...

How much fun! Miss you...