Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Little Friends

Elena has a few friends from church that are close in age to her. It so nice for me to be able to interact with other moms and for Elena to be around kids that are around the same age. Every Monday we have a park day at a local park and then occasionally, we take them to the zoo. Here are a few pictures from our most recent adventures:

This first set of pictures is from the day we went to the zoo and let the kids run around in the petting zoo. Elena hadn't cared much for the goats on previous visits but this time she was having a ball petting them. No wonder now she can make the "baa" sound (its pretty cute if you ask her what sound the sheep makes).

Rockford and Elena

Conrad and Elena

All four of the kiddos together: Conrad, Rockford, Elena and Maia

And these next set of pictures are from a recent park day. Just Elena and Rockford had showed up that day. They are just 3 months apart in age (Rockford is older) so its good for us to watch him and see what's coming up for us with Elena!

And a few pictures of our little beauty. I just think she's darling!

Even her feet are cute!