Tuesday, March 09, 2010

New Addition to the Family

I am embarrassed, really. We added a new member to our family months ago and I haven't even introduced you to him (I think he's a he?!?!) This beta fish came to our family a few months ago via Michael's parents who thought Elena might enjoy having a pet. Well, they were right. She loves Chips. Yes, that's his name. Chips? Why Chips? Well, we love Fish and Chips around here so we named the dear fish after one of our favorite meals (that's reminding me of the great fish and chips we had in New York - that was random!)

Anyway, Elena loves looking at Chips. Too bad she can't hold him or he would get smothered with kisses and hugs. Everyday when Michael gets home from work (or soon thereafter) they feed Chips together. Michael walks in the door and Elena points to the fish and says, "fish!" She's learned to feed him even though I haven't completely given over Chips' care to her. I still clean the fish bowl when needed.

Friends, meet Chips, Elena's first pet...

Chips, the Fish from smilingannie on Vimeo.